13 million TikTok users in Poland = other millions of data in cyberspace. But is it cyber safe? Let’s imagine: “TikTok data breach - 1 billion users data leaked”

TikTok provides a fun and improves the mood of almost 13 million Poles. And over 80% of Poles say directly that they like this application. No wonder – TikTok provides us with highly dedicated content. However, our information on TikTok is not entirely private. Why? We already explain.

TikTok, like other social networking sites, collects information about you when you use it, including age, language, email, search history or keystroke patterns and many others described HERE.

Of course, the purpose of this spying is – as we have already indicated at the beginning – to direct you to the content you expect. But what if one day we read on LinkedIn „TikTok data breach – 1 billion users data leaked”? Do we want everyone to know that during work, instead of working – we watch different versions of „Wednesday Dance” on TikTok?

So what to do? Stop using? We leave this question open…

But as data security experts, we recommend as usual – being vigilant … and performing a few simple actions such as checking the privacy of the profile, reporting „scam” and the traditional „do not click on the link”. And maybe watching #wednesdaydance outside working hours 🙂

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