Today we celebrate Safer Internet Day for the 19th time!

Did you know that 24% of Poles were born in the era of broadband Internet access?
And some of them are already working in your company 🙂 And some you are still raising 🙂
They are tech-savvy – they have wallets on their phone and use ChatGPT. They are technologically advanced, making them even more vulnerable to online danger. Tomorrow’s cybersecurity depends on this digital generation.
We are all the more glad we can join the NASK and the Empowering Children Foundation event, which invites schools, non-governmental organizations, and companies to share knowledge on safe Internet use every year.
Safer Internet Day aims to initiate and promote activities for the secure access of children and young people to Internet resources, to familiarize parents, teachers, and educators with online security issues, and to promote positive Internet use.
As part of this year’s celebrations, we want to join the dissemination of knowledge about secure internet among young people in one of the schools from the local backyard. Stay tuned!